Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I have nothing to complain about. I started this blog so I would have somewhere to complain and laugh at the ridiculousness of dating. Apparently after only 3 guys worth of entries, things stopped being so ridiculous!! Not that I'm whining, believe me, the sooner I can stop living in the ridiculousness, the better as far as I'm concerned.
Obviously, things are still going well with NG. We both feel like we're really really compatible, and we're both aware it's been less than a month. I'm typically the one that starts thinking about future stuff first, but he totally beat me to it. I swear we share a brain.
His dad is coming to town at the end of the month and he wants me to meet him. He'll be coming to the burg with me for a football game pretty soon. His daughter is about to BUST SOMETHING to meet me, but we're holding off on that just to be sure. She sent me a few texts from his phone the other day while we were writing back and forth, got a big kick out of that. We're trying to really ease into it with her. The last woman he dated didn't like her, didn't like kids at all from what I gather, and the feeling was mutual. I don't want us to get attached and then have it not work out. That's one kind of heartbreak I haven't had and am not interested in experiencing. He swears he's not going anywhere.....I'm actually starting to believe him!
There are a lot of things about him that are very different from other guys I've dated. For starters he's not tall and has hair. More importantly though, he's more like me than anyone I've dated. I can just be myself and he gets all excited and tells me how great I am. Totally random thoughts? Follows them. Sense of humor? Gets it. Pretty dress, heels, makeup and hair perfect? Loves it. Hole-in-the-knee jeans, ball cap, Tevas and a ratty t-shirt (helping him paint cabinet doors)?? Loves it. Swanky restaurant? Happy. Fire pit in a friend's backyard? Happy. I've always wanted a well-rounded man and here he is! Family-oriented. Industrious. Funny. Smart. Adoring. Easy-going. Animal loving. No complaints indeed.

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