Friday, September 17, 2010

Another long time......... post.  It's been 9 months since my last post, or so says Blogspot, and that is really unacceptable.  Quite a bit has happened in that time, but I'll just hit the highlights.  First and foremost, NG and I got engaged on April 10 and will be getting married October 2.  That's partially why I haven't been blogging, wedding planning is a real bitch sometimes.  Also need a new name for my blog since he quit hiding........I'm taking suggestions!
The whole step parenting thing is quite an adventure, as several of you well know.  TD is mostly doing well.  She's pretty spoiled, being an only and having a pretty indulgent mom, but once she gets settled in with us she does really well the majority of the time.  She usually has some kind of inappropriate behavior right about the time she comes and right about the time she's leaving.  Transitions are so hard, I wish we could have her a week on and a week off to make it easier for everyone.  Check out the crazy visitation schedule: if we have her the upcoming weekend, we have her on Wednesday night.  If we don't have her that coming weekend, we have her on Tuesday and Wednesday nights or sometimes Wednesday and Thursday, depending on the whims of mom and whatever extracurricular she has that night.  Currently she has extracurriculars EVERY NIGHT BUT WEDNESDAY.  Seriously. 
I definitely have some concerns about her, nothing terribly odd right now but things I wonder about how they'll look when she's 16.......she has some seriously picky eating behaviors and sometimes just won't eat all day if she's not given what she wants, she paints her fingernails black, wants a tattoo on her lower back (aka a tramp stamp), and she dropped the f bomb a few weeks ago over her Webkins.  The last one was really just funny and hasn't happened again.  The eating thing makes me worry about her developing anorexia.  The mini-goth thing?  Guess we'll just wait and see.
NG is as wonderful today as he was when I last wrote.  Caring, thoughtful, sweet, and wonderful.  I'm excited to marry him and excited for our life together, even if we end up with an anorexic goth for a teenager.

So that's the update for now.  I'll catch up on more details from the last few months as I go along.  It won't be that long again!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's wonderful news!

    (Transitions always suck at our house, too, btw. The things that come out of their mouths!?!)
