Sunday, July 26, 2009

Super Extra Tall

Super Extra Tall, or SET as he will be referred to, is anothe eH match. As it turns out, though, we were both members of the Charlotte Outdoor Adventures at the same time and have a couple of mutual friends. He called me about a week ago and we decided to go out this weekend. He didn't call to set that up until Friday afternoon, and I was out with friends, so on Saturday we decided to go out Saturday night. A little last minute, but that's ok. We decided on Birkdale for dinner at 8.
I didn't have any trouble finding him, SET is 6'5" so he doesn't exactly blend. I couldn't tell if he is shy and nervous or just quiet. By the time I finally hit on something he spoke spontaneously about, it turned out to be the very scary proposition of something called an Electromagnetic Pulse. This is apparently something that is created when a nuclear weapon is detonated. If one of these were to be detonated about a mile above, say, St. Louis, says SET, we wouldn't recognize it as a nuclear blast (having been detonated above the surface) but everything that runs our world would stop working. Cars, telephones, anything electronic. We're talking about planes falling out of the sky, no police, no hospitals, lack of refrigeration, etc. Anarchy. Awesome. Made me want to buy weapons, ammunition, a horse, and canned goods. This is what I was thinking about at 2am.
It hit me this morning. Leaving our date and after our first and only phone call, I have come away very unhappy with the state of our world. The phone call was discussion of impending economic depression, now its impending dark-ages type living. I think perhaps this is not a coincidence. *sigh*
Supposed to go out with Soul Patch again, we'll see when/if that happens............

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