Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I think perhaps the other shoe is dropping.  NG and I have been so happy in our happy little world that I was starting to think it may not happen, but last night bio-mom (BM) gave NG some crap about visitation and child support.  This is the first time this has happened since we started dating, and may be the first time period.   
We are going to NG's sister's this weekend in another city, taking TD with us.  Something about the days he had her last week and will have her this week didn't fit in BM's head correctly and she fussed about it.  Nevermind that NG is supposed to have TD two weekdays on the weeks he doesn't have her for the weekend, which never happens.  I'm not sure what her issue was about the child support, but knowing that she makes roughly double what NG makes I can't imagine she's waiting on it to buy groceries or anything.  Verdict?  She's getting pissy because she knows he's moving on.  They've been divorced for several years, but he hasn't been serious about someone since.  So now I'm wondering how fussy she's going to get.  Stick strictly to the visitation schedule fussy or do her best to ruin our lives fussy? 
On positive notes, NG went to my hometown with me this past weekend.  I wonder when I will stop being so amazed by him.  Friday morning some fire alarms were going off in one of my dad and stepmom's rental houses.  We were hung over from the ball game the night before, but NG VOLUNTEERED to go check it out with my dad.  It wasn't a fire, it was an electrical issue with the alarms, and NG is an electrician, so it made sense for him to go but I was SO impressed.  I think my dad was, too, but he didn't mention it to me.  He really loved the farm, and wants to move there as soon as TD is out of high school.  I can't even express how much that means to me. 
In additional wonderment.......I have a cold.  It's not a big deal, it's not the flu, it's just a head cold.  I have never been taken care of by a man like he has been taking care of me.  He was all worried that he was going to run out of tissues last night.  He got me juice, made me tea, gave me medicine, rubbed my head, and didn't make icky faces when I blew my nose.  My dog was sprayed by a skunk a few days ago, despite a good bath she was still stinky, and he would NOT let me give her a bath, he was irritated that I would even think about it.  "I'll do it, you're sick!"  It was the sweetest thing.  He talked to her the whole time......called her "stinky butt", told her she was a good girl for not shaking on him, just so sweet.  I was again totally impressed. 
Oh, and the other shoe thing?  I'm finishing up my job this week, start my new one on Monday.  I can tell I don't really care about being here anymore because I keep wearing my casual shoes.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Just ignore her. Don't let her impact your emotional space with your NG - he sounds way too much of a NG to let her ruin your lives together :) Good luck in your new job!!! X
