Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kids on the Grocery List

We had TD Thursday and Friday this week, off schedule because of some travel NG was supposed to do (ended up not going because of weather).  We had a really great time both nights, as usual, despite our heat pump going out and it being 20 degrees at night.  TD is very flexible most of the time (except when it comes to food) and was happy to sleep on an air mattress in front of the wood stove with the dog.  I just love her.  She makes me INSANE with the picky eating thing, but I'm letting go of that some, which is quite a process, and our relationship is improving because of it.
The best part was Friday night.  I always tell TD to put things she would like from the store on the grocery list.  She has never put anything unreasonable on there, so I think it's a good way for her to feel some power over the food in the house.  I tend to think the picky eating thing is a power struggle, it didn't start until after the divorce, and a lot of time food issues tend to be about power and control or lack thereof, or so my therapist head thinks.  But I we're in the kitchen, just she and I, and she gets the pen and writes something on the list.  I didn't really pay attention at first, and when I looked up, this is what I saw:
It's not a very good picture.  Our grocery list has a dog theme (that's who the tennis balls are for).  If you look at the top, you'll see that the child put 2 children on the grocery list.  I just about peed my pants laughing.  I so sincerely hope that enthusiasm continues when we actually have children.  I would love to hear what people have done to incorporate new children into a family like ours.   We're hoping to get pregnant in the Spring (Lord willing and the creek don't rise, as my dad says), so she'll be 10 when he/she is born.  Any tips, tricks, or insight?  


  1. Love the list idea! If you don't already, I recommend you read Tulip's blog. She's pregnant now, adding to a family with a 9yo SD.

  2. Yes, I follow her blog and I'm glad she's ahead of me so I can cheat off her. :-)

  3. LOL! TD is hysterical! :o)

    I obviously have no advice. I'm worthless. So sorry. I have a four (now five) year old who thought a baby sister would be the best thing in the entire world... Please note, "WHO THOUGHT". Ha!
