Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oprah-worthy Functionality

After 6 months on the market, my house, the one I bought all by myself 6 years ago this month, didn't even get an offer.  Not terribly surprising in this market, but we were hoping to use that money to build the if-we're-gonna-have-kids-we-gotta-have-someplace-to-put-them addition on NG's abode.  Plan B has always been renting it out, so we hooked up with a leasing agency last week.  We signed with them October 25.  On October 28 they had a leasee, who wanted to move in on November 4.  Ummmmmmmmmmm...............1/2 my stuff is still in the house and it's no where near clean.  I'm not known for my housekeeping prowess, and the FO lived there with me her whole life.   She chewed woodwork and couches and is nicknamed the Furry One for very good reason.  Its a mess, and we had less than a week to fix it.  Less than a week you say???  But October 28 to November 4 is exactly a week!  Well see, there's this life thing inbetween.  I wasn't in the office on the 28th, so I didn't get his email until the 29th, when we were leaving for the aforementioned trip to the other side of the state for NG's test.  We didn't get back until the 31st and we have these pesky job things that we do all day.  My old house is about 45m from my office, and that's TOTALLY traffic dependant.  If either NG or I leave our offices right at 4, it takes 45m.  If we leave anytime past 4:30 it takes TWO HOURS.  Insanity.  This is why I hate cities. 
So!  We spent Sunday evening packing and cleaning, Monday evening same thing, and last night same thing.  NG calls TD nightly, last night was no different, until we received a return call from TD.  NG often talks to her on speaker phone so I can participate, and she called back to find out if my niece (who she just loooooves to have over, she's 4) would like her jacket from a couple years ago.  TM chimes in from the other end (apparently also on speakerphone), greets me specifically, and says she has lots of TD's clothes and would love to have someone to give them to that she knows instead of just taking them to Goodwill. 
*crickets*  *crickets*
I was totally shocked.  That is some Oprah-worthy functionality right there.  I told her I was sure my niece's mom would love that, and thanked her.  She was totally friendly, said she'd bag them up and give them to NG next time he picks up TD. 
Funny enough, in my blog perusing yesterday I found out about this book called No One's The Bitch.  Appears to be a somewhat revolutionary concept that the bio-mom and step-mom work together for the best of the child.  That's always been my goal, and having not had an actual discussion about it, seems to be TM's.  I make an effort to always speak positively about TM, defend her when TD is complaining about her, and keep clear boundaries about what is TM's territory and what is mine. 
Case in point, a conversation TD and I had a few months ago........TD: I want deodorant, I think you should get me some.  Me: You need to talk to your mom about that.  TD: But you're going to be my mom soon.  Me: (Internal monologue: I wasn't born yesterday, TD, its way harder to manipulate me than that.  I bet your mom already said no.)  No, I'm going to be your stepmom, you have one mom, I'm not her, she makes those decisions.  TD: But I want deodorant!  Me: I don't doubt you do, I'm just saying that's not my call and you should talk to your momm  TD: *pout* Fine.
Apparently this is somewhat abnormal but is keeping TM from feeling threatned or weird about me.  Score one for the therapist.

1 comment:

  1. I think I might have been struck dumb at that moment as well. Here's hoping TM continues that trend. :fingers crossed:

    Good luck with the house! It has got to be bittersweet to give up that which you purchased and was yours for six years.

    And, I SO hear you on cities...:shudder:
