Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A source of much debate.......

I'm starting to research child birth options.  I'm like this, it would be fair to say I'm slightly neurotic about planning things.  I had the wedding planned before we were engaged.  I'm planning childbirth before I'm pregnant, its just how I am.  That being said, I'm a little hippy-dippy about healthcare and childbirth.  My body should know how to do this and I want to let me do my thing instead of being poked and prodded and eventually cut open like the deer from yesterday's post, which is all too often what happens in hospitals. So I'm looking into midwives, birthing centers, etc, keeping in mind that I'm "geriatric" by many OB standards, as I'll be at least 34 by the time I have our first. 
So I'm soliciting opinions, stories, experiences...........anyone want to comment?  Positives and negatives to hospitals/birthing centers/home, midwives/doctors, etc???  Horror stories?  Happy birthing stories?  Tips for NG?  Thoughts on involving or not involving TD?  How does being stepparenting make these choices different?  Weigh in everyone!!!!

Just for reference, I've been gathering information from some blogs listed below....fascinating and informative stuff!

Navelgazing Midwife
Midwife Thinking
The Midwife Next Door

1 comment:

  1. You know me, I'm LOADED with thoughts and ideas on this subject, lol! I'll have to email or FB message you on this one. :oP
